Personal Details
Doctor Name Mark Grajcar, D.O.
Primary Specialty Family Medicine
Experience 32 Years
Education & Training
Medical Education Des Moines University
Residency Madigan Army Medical Center

Dr. Grajcar graduated from Kalamazoo College in Michigan. While in college he studied in France during his junior year, and spent a semester doing research at Columbia University in New York. After receiving his medical degree from Des Moines University he began his residency training at Madigan Army Medical Center.

After completing his Family Medicine residency in 1993 Dr. Grajcar served in the U.S. Army Medical Corp for the next seven years. He reached the rank of major while holding many leadership positions. His last four years were spent in Heidelberg, Germany. After moving to Idaho in 2000 with his wife and his son, he worked for Saint Alphonsus Medical Group (SAMG). While employed at SAMG he served on the Executive Board and as Facility Medical Director for several years.

Dr. Grajcar opened Initial Point Family Medicine in 2007. He has strong interests in diabetes, dermatology and travel medicine. He also likes to spend most of his leisure time fly fishing, bird hunting, and camping with his family.

Career Highlights

  • 10 years in United States Army Medical Corp
  • 7 years at St. Alphonsus Medical Group
  • 14 years Owner of Initial Point Family Medicine & Independent Family Physician
  • Current member of Idaho State Board of Medicine
  • Board member of Independent Doctors of Idaho